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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Beaded Art Dolls

Yes, I make magnets, invitations, light plates, but my creativity doesn't stop there. I actually love making beaded art dolls. Not everyone even knows that this world exists, but it's bigger than you'd think. Magazines like Art Doll Quarterly have done wonders to bring it to the surface.
My dolls are a little different than a typical beaded art doll, but I love making them. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to do many since my son's been born. Here's some examples of dolls I've done in the past:

Rayanna is a sun goddess and is a functional hand mirror (on back)

Blu is a wild flower goddess. She is SOLD!!!

Patty o'Doll was just something fun

Dolls all come with altered cigar boxes that are just as hard as the dolls. Blu's box especially was a long process, but so worth it. It was a new technique, but I loved the way it came out.

Please contact me if you'd like a custom doll. Depending on how big the project is, prices range $50 and up. I have ideas for voodoo/African dolls, robot/futuristic dolls and many more if any of that inspires you.

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