Wow, so I recently found out that the 5 free auctions a month actually charge a higher final value fee to make up for the free listing fee--sneaky ebay, very sneaky.
Then they did away with being able to charge for shipping insurance which means that if you want insurance, you have to add it to the price rather than offer it as an option for buyers. That, or the seller takes it on the chin, which is a much nicer way of saying what I'm thinking.
Thirdly, they've got this rating system that is set up to screw sellers because it rates you on how quickly you get orders out. Orders that have to be made can be time consuming and so it's impossible to get 5 stars for those of us with custom orders.
For buyers who don't sell, they have no idea how important these ratings are to sellers. A buyer could put 4 stars, thinking a seller would have to do back flips before getting a 5, but this is a lot of sellers livelihood. We need those ratings to live, especially with the economy being what it is.
buyers, please be kind because ebay is hard enough on us sellers as it is.